Optimal YOU Journey

Your complete optimal lifestyle coaching

Are YOU…

  • Tired of not feeling your best?

  • Frustrated with your fitness level?

  • Not happy with your image in the mirror?

  • Stiff and inflexible?

  • Unable to nail down a nutrition plan that meets your needs?

  • Sluggish with brain fog?

  • Lacking purpose and intention?

  • Missing balance in your life and relationships?

  • Ready to make changes that last a lifetime?

  • Interested in designing an Optimal YOU??

Well, if there was a personalized, purposeful step-by-step method to achieve Optimum lifestyle goals that didn’t leave you overwhelmed about what direction to take and actually allowed you to design your best version of YOU, would you jump on that journey?

Sure, you have read tons of health blogs and know all the latest wellness tips, diets and fitness crazes, but do you know what is the right fit for YOU and your special conditions? Would you love a game plan and access to a coach that cares?

Would you finally feel confident enough to make Optimal YOU your #1 priority?

〰️ If you feel low on energy and struggle with brain fog, sleep patterns or weak immunity…

〰️ If you do not have a personalized fitness game plan that burns fat, builds muscle and improves balance…

〰️ If you have been struggling with stiff joints and spine, bad posture or overall inflexibility in everyday life…

〰️ If you have tried every diet and supplement to achieve and maintain a healthy weight to no avail…

〰️ If you are still trying to figure out how to live life with intention and find your real purpose…

〰️ If you do everything or not enough and feel imbalanced and frustrated by your life performance…

〰️ If you feel time slipping away and the need to make changes toward not just a better life, but an Optimal Life…

And if you are interested in designing YOUR best life NOW for a lifetime of being well, feeling well, being you…Optimal YOU, then NOW is the time to Jumpstart your authentic, best SELF.

The Optimal YOU Journey was designed for YOU.

The Optimal YOU Journey includes:

Optimal Nutrition guidelines

Customized to YOU for energy and vitality. We chart a plan together with recipes and meal strategies that meet your individual conditions and preferences while still meeting necessary, balanced nutritional needs. This roadmap introduces you to food as not only your fuel, but your medicine. Learn how to feed your mind, body, and skin while eliminating toxins and improving your gut.

Optimal Fitness game plan

Includes customized strength training, cardio and flexibility solutions to help you discover your Optimal body. Your personal game plan will have exact exercises and cardio prescriptions for your particular lifestyle and goals AND you will discover how to create your own well-balanced workouts.

Optimal Lifestyle direction

To empower and discover your best self. Includes creating a life of intention with mindful awareness, acceptance and authentic growth. I’ll help you uncover what brings you joy, fulfillment, and meaning to your life. Let’s design a plan that is right for YOU…that brings you step-by-closer step to your optimal lifestyle. 


This Gold Standard full package includes The Optimal YOU complete experience:

  • a strategic roadmap with game plans, mindset shifts, practical tools and customized coaching you will utilize for a lifetime

  • 12-weeks of Private Coaching Calls with Trish, your Trainer/Coach

  • unlimited email support

  • access to Member Resource Library

When you enroll in the Full Optimal YOU Journey now you get FREE access to these bonus Optimal YOU Boosters:

  • my personalized to YOU JustCoach App designed to help YOU create incredible mind, body and lifestyle changes that last a lifetime. (It’s like having Trish Your TrainerCoach in your pocket 24/7) Learn more about the JustCoach app →

  • 4-Day Nutrition Jumpstart

  • a personalized to you, Optimal You Jumpstart Action Plan, where you and I will get on a call and map out your Optimal You Journey.

  • a Mind Map call with me, Trish, Your Trainer/Coach, to map out your Personal Journey that makes sense for your conditions, preferences, and interests.

I highly recommend working with Trish! She’s professional, knowledgeable, helpful, compassionate, and a great listener. I was in a high stress job, gained weight and was depressed. I also had other health concerns, such as insomnia, and skin issues. Trish helped me set food and self-care goals, and provided realistic strategies for meeting those goals in my everyday life. I now eat plant-based, and feel empowered to make choices in support of my health, morals, and values. I also have the self-confidence to try new workouts that would have intimidated me in the past.

I’m excited to continue to implement the information, exercises and strategies in my daily life!
I made it through Trish’s Optimal You program and am down 15 lbs and 4% bodyfat—and feeling great! What’s most remarkable is how grounded and more in touch I am with my emotions now that I am not feeding them with food and wine. I also loved the way the program helped me restore balance and presence in my relationships. I began interacting with my kids, husband, friends, parents and even my pets in a more connected and peaceful way. I will be living this way for the rest of my life and everyone in my life benefits as much as I do!

Thank you, Trish!

I’m giving you the opportunity to be the best you can be with guided professional coaching, support and tools in your toolbox for a lifetime. You can’t put a price tag on the value of this growth Journey.

The Optimal YOU mind, body and spirit Journey delivers that Optimum Lifestyle some only dream about. YOU are capable and deserving.

Live Well. Be Well. Be YOU. Optimal YOU.

Don’t settle for anything less

It’s got to be an Optimal “YES”!

Don’t miss out on your best life!


Let’s Connect

Discovering Optimal YOU is a life-learning process focused on mind, body and spirit adjustments. Let's set the course for your entire adventure to come!

This guided "Mind-Map" discovery will delve into your Optimal YOU and design a valuable route for your journey. Let's discover what makes you unique...


Not ready for the entire program?

After your personal Mind Map call with me, we can determine which portion of the Journey you would most benefit exploring first. You have options: