Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Supplement Trends

Normally, you should be able to get all the nutrients you need from a balanced diet. However, supplements can help fill in the nutritional gaps for those that have deficiencies in their daily diets. Supplements can also be used to help support personal fitness and nutrition goals by enhancing sports specific dietary needs to feel and perform your best. Here are some of the top supplements to support your Optimal YOU Lifestyle:

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

5 Foods For Fat-Burning

Nutrition plays a large role in your personal fitness program. Having good dietary habits helps to support your training and fuel your workouts. Eating foods that have low nutrient density can work against you leaving you feeling fatigued and irritable. Poor nutrition can also negatively impact your body’s immune system making you more susceptible to illness and internal inflammation. Here are five foods that can help put your daily dietary habits back on track for maximum fat burning:

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Healthy Eating On the Go

One of the biggest struggles that most people face today is a crazy, hectic schedule. We are so busy that it makes eating healthy a real challenge. Quick and convenient foods end up taking the place of healthy, nourishing food when we’re on the go, go, go all the time. These less-than-ideal food choices put us on the hamster wheel of experiencing low energy, weight gain, and potential health problems.

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

10 Ways to Get More Antioxidants in Your Diet

It’s no secret that antioxidants are incredibly beneficial to good health. It’s believed the antioxidants in food can help prevent cancer, reverse or slow aging, enhance your immune system, increase your energy and improve heart and other organ health. Given all we know about antioxidants and their beneficial properties, it’s amazing more people don’t get enough fruits and vegetables, the primary sources of antioxidants.

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Eat Your Stress Goodbye

It is a reality that we all experience stress from work, deadlines, homelife, family members, and just plain life. Let’s face it, when you’re stressed out, the foods that you’re turning to are most likely going to be traditional “comfort” foods – think big meals, take-out, fatty foods, sweet foods, and alcohol. Honestly, – we’ve all found some comfort in a tasty hamburger and a rootbeer or glass of wine with pasta when we’ve been stressed out or upset about something. Obviously, this isn’t a good permanent solution.

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

The Benefits of Pumpkin

Being raised in the Midwest, I am a fan of the four seasons and all the health benefits that come with the change of seasons. Fall is a time for pumpkin. All five of my senses embrace pumpkin. Everything about Fall seems related to pumpkins. We love decorating with them, seeing them in road-side stands, using them in recipes; they are the ultimate festive Fall experience. Thank goodness there are plenty of health benefits that come with Fall pumpkins. Do we truly realize just how wonderful pumpkins are to our health? Seriously, the pumpkin benefits abound in these gorgeous orange veggies that will keep us coming back for more every Fall! 

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

The Benefits of Lemon Water as your Morning Ritual

There are many health benefits to drinking lemon water. Lemon water has become a popular morning beverage and I have jumped on that bandwagon. This natural morning elixir that simply combines the juice of half a lemon with water is packed with potassium, Vitamin B and C, calcium, magnesium, antioxidants, and iron. I like to drink my lemon water warmed for a soothing morning ritual with definite health benefits. Let’s delve into this simple ritual…

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Top your Foods on the Down-Low

I love toppings. They make my food beautiful to the eye by adding visual texture and they also add different flavors and physical texture for a complete eating experience! But, if I don’t think it through, I could be adding unnecessary calories to my day.

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Slay the day without a Munch and a Skipped Lunch

Striving for an optimal YOU lifestyle can be a challenge in the work environment, especially when it comes to nutrition! Whether you work from home or at the office…the temptations to munch are great. It’s never too late to assess your situation and create a plan to break free from the refrigerator break at home or the break room snacks at the office.

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Look Before you EAT

I have a love affair with good, clean, whole foods! Even when my food is clean, I still have to watch how much I eat or the pounds start to creep on unexpectedly.

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Eat Less from a Box, Can, Bag and Bottle

When I started my personal Optimal YOU journey 25 years ago, eating clean was at the top of my list. What is clean eating? It’s a diet pattern that focuses on fresh, whole foods. Simply put, clean eating focuses on eating less from a box, can, bag or bottle. It can be easy and enjoyable as long as I stick to choosing minimally processed, REAL FOODS that provide optimal nutritional benefits. If I have the mindset of eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible, I am in the clean zone. I take it a step further and believe that choosing ethical and sustainable foods is also a part of clean eating.

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Nutrition Trish Sachs Nutrition Trish Sachs

Vegetables Deserve Half Your Plate

Vegetables are densely packed with vitamins and minerals unlike calorie dense processed or refined foods. And don’t you just know that in most cases, getting vitamins and minerals from food is superior to taking supplements! Usually easier on your wallet too.

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