Vegetables Deserve Half Your Plate


Vegetables! When it comes to Nutrition, they deserve the spotlight.

As a child, I remember being reminded daily to “Eat my vegetables!” I would slide them to the side of my plate and contemplate a strategy for eating them. Would I close my eyes and hold my nose to power through them? Maybe, slide them under the table and hope my dog would help me out? Along the way, I did get some vegetables in, and as I grew… they grew on me! As an adult, I understand their place and purpose on my plate. Here’s what I know… make half of every meal colorful vegetables and this is what I will get in return:

Get the nutrients my body craves.

Vegetables are densely packed with vitamins and minerals unlike calorie dense processed or refined foods. And don’t you just know that in most cases, getting vitamins and minerals from food is superior to taking supplements! Usually easier on your wallet too.

Stay regular.

I notice as I grow older, my digestion is changing. Regular daily? Not a chance. My digestion system is starting to slow down. Enter my vegetables. The fiber in vegetables adds bulk to stools for more regularity. And that’s a big deal, especially as I age. So, take a look at my plate…Veggie Central.

Stay fuller longer.

The fiber in vegetables fills me up and keeps me satisfied. I don’t get that from processed foods. Have you ever eaten processed food on the fly and been hungry most the day? Look for nutrient dense veggies throughout your day…put them in a smoothie or have a salad midday and your brain and body will get the nutrients they need to stay sharp longer.

Boost my Immunity.

Vegetable fiber also keeps my microbiome healthy by feeding the good gut bacteria. Good gut health means a stronger, healthier immune system. The real measure of good health is fewer sick days. Let’s support that immune system and back it up with veggies! Fill your plate and reap the benefits!

Reduce calories.

A cup of broccoli is 30 calories compared to a cup of rice that provides 200 calories. Replace a half cup of rice with two cups of broccoli and you get more food for less calories. Get it? Just start adding more veggies to your plate and your weight will be managed naturally. It’s a veggie miracle!

Fight diseases.

Eating a wide variety of colorful vegetables provides your body with a host of important plant compounds that protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Eat the rainbow and your immune system can do its job. That’s the beauty of a veggie rainbow! Open your fridge, do you see a rainbow? Hit the farmer’s market and make sure you have all the colors!

One simple trick to really improve your health…make half of every meal colorful vegetables. Half of your morning egg-white omelet…veggies. Half of your smoothie…veggies. Half of your protein bowl…veggies. Half of your soup…veggies. Have a plan. You’ve got this one. Step up to the plate. Your plate (half) full of veggies and enjoy all the healthy benefits!


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