Look Before you EAT


I have a love affair with good, clean, whole foods! Even when my food is clean, I still have to watch how much I eat or the pounds start to creep on unexpectedly.

I recently decided to leave a journal in the kitchen to jot down how much I eat throughout the day to just check in on my calorie intake. Now, I am not a full-blown calorie counter and I don’t recommend counting every single calorie because that is not something any of us will stick with lifelong, plus it really takes the fun out of eating. That being said, I still do random check-ins on calories when my clothes start to fit more snug around the middle. That journal in the kitchen revealed a few calories that crept in because I was not paying attention to things like serving sizes per container, portion sizes in general and hidden calories in my beverages. It can be shocking when I actually record for a day or three, what passes my lips. Generally, this little exercise will whip me back into attention in the kitchen! Make it a habit!

Let me suggest that we not eat for just the taste or for filling our bellies. I find when I munch down food because I am craving a flavor, like cold watermelon on a summer afternoon for instance, I will eat more than my fair share every time. And, when I am rushing along in my busy day and just need to get my breakfast or lunch in a hurry to fill my empty stomach, I tend to not make good choices and eat what is in the break room or leftovers in the fridge without paying attention to how much I am actually consuming because I just need to get it done! Or maybe I take on more calories because I am eating on the run, visiting with others, or on the computer while munching and just not in tune to my intake. Sound familiar?

A healthy lifestyle includes healthy eating and looking at food as my friend and not the enemy. Food is fuel. Food is medicine. Food is my friend. These are my mantras that keep me in line. When I stop and look at food beyond flavor and filling my belly and instead look at its function and how it serves my mind, body and spirit, I am able to slow down and mindfully choose my food, my portions, and my nutrient content. Then, food begins to be a fun adventure for me every day. A mission of love. Love for the nutrients that help keep all my body systems healthy and me, happy!

Eating in moderation and according to the place, time, and season of my physical condition and mental inclination, opens the door for my body to feel good, look good and function properly. And that includes enjoying clarity of mind, better moods and staying in good humor! And guess what? My body weight naturally goes to where it should be without having to weigh in on the scale daily. My clothes fit and I feel great!

Here are a few simple tips that help me keep things in line and enjoy my healthy relationship with food that you can do too:

1. Count and Chew

I eat slowly and happily with the belief that my food is enhancing my energy, intelligence and health. I am mindfully aware of the value of my good food and how it serves me. I am genuinely grateful. There was a time when I used to chew just seven to eight times till the food retained its taste and then I noticed that my saliva didn’t even mix well with my food. I then learned that the intestines have to work harder to digest half-chewed food. So, now I chew thoroughly, to aid in better absorption of essential nutrients. I also drink water in small sips and find that hydrating a half hour before or an hour after my meals keeps my digestion in line. In the end, I just enjoy my meals more!

2. Control your Tongue

I understand that my tongue is used for tasting and talking, and if I am mindful of these two activities on a regular basis, I will be healthy and happy. It is when I lose control over my tongue that I veer towards junk food and get sick. Regularly eating spicy and fried foods or sweets and sugary beverages makes me a slave to my tongue, always searching for over the top flavors and spouting off verbally to myself and others because I am frustrated with my eating habits of the day. I do not like myself when I am in that space. If I exercise self-discipline with my tongue, I find my health problems just seem to disappear, my self-talk improve and I am overall a happier person. So, I trained my palate to crave the fresh wholesome flavors of real food, unprocessed and without additives. My smile is proof!

3. Be close to Nature

I love to tap into nature to remain healthy. I always opt for seasonal vegetables and fruits, whole grains and dried fruits for snacks. The more I get back to nature, the more my mind, body, and soul feels connected to my food. It becomes a healthy experience that I look forward to daily. I also find eating outdoors to be a highlight for me. Stress seems to disappear and I find instant calm noticing nature’s beauty while dining. Picnic today!

4. Emotional over Food

I practice NOT reading, using my cell phone/computer, or watching TV while I eat. Being indifferent to the benefits of food while eating means my diet will provide neither energy nor immunity. So, I keep my mind peaceful and focus on my food, while I prepare it and eat it. I carefully choose good food that I can feel good about eating. I cook my food with love, care, and attention, and as I cook, I try thinking of the strength, intelligence and longevity I will actually get from eating the food I so mindfully prepared.

5. Eat Timely

A good rule I try to always follow is to maintain a gap of three hours between meals, and never let time between my meals stretch beyond six hours. I avoid snacking all random times because I know it will hamper my digestion. I also avoid eating late. A good rule of thumb is to be done eating by 7pm at the latest. At bedtime, I want my body to focus on rest and repair instead of having to work so hard on digestion.

I find that my clients who have been counting calories strictly with long lists of rules or have lived a life of eating without thinking have often lost their natural hunger and fullness cues, because they rely on those calorie counts, schedules, meal plans, and devices to tell them when and how much to eat. This in turn promotes a negative, guilty relationship with food and it is no longer enjoyable. Doesn’t it just make more sense to ENJOY FOOD on your journey to Optimal YOU? Food is your friend and the fuel that gives you the energy and health to do all the things you LOVE!

I have learned that life and mental health are better when I can enjoy food and eating, and the emotional aspects around it. Paying attention to what my body wants and needs is far more important, and a lot more enjoyable, than any restrictive, calorie-counting diet. So, let’s always choose food for its nutritional value and wholesome goodness, then understand that as fuel and medicine, food will serve you well and you will be WELL for a lifetime!


Slay the day without a Munch and a Skipped Lunch


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