Eat Less from a Box, Can, Bag and Bottle


When I started my personal Optimal YOU journey 25 years ago, eating clean was at the top of my list. What is clean eating? It’s a diet pattern that focuses on fresh, whole foods. Simply put, clean eating focuses on eating less from a box, can, bag or bottle. It can be easy and enjoyable as long as I stick to choosing minimally processed, REAL FOODS that provide optimal nutritional benefits. If I have the mindset of eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible, I am in the clean zone. I take it a step further and believe that choosing ethical and sustainable foods is also a part of clean eating.

So, take this journey with me…let’s start with a few of the basics:

Eat More Veggies and Fruits.

This was drilled into me since I was a child. Veggies and fruits are undeniably healthy. They are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that help fight inflammation and protect your cells from damage. I find that choosing organic produce takes it a step further by reducing pesticide exposure and boosting my health. This is how I do it simply:

1. I make my salads as colorful as possible, including at least 3 different veggies in addition to greens.

2. Add berries, chopped apples, or orange slices to my favorite dishes.

3. Wash and chop veggies, toss them with olive oil and herbs, and place them in a container in my fridge for easy access.

Limit Processed Foods.

Before children, I ate processed foods for convenience. Processed foods are modified from their natural state and my energy levels were low. My skin was dry and blemished. My hair dull and brittle. I was too young to look old and tired. I knew my food was not helping me be my best. The extra sugar and chemicals were not helping me. I knew to eat clean I had to ditch the processed foods as much as possible. And the day I did, I never looked back. The more you eat clean, the better real food tastes!

Substitute Vegetables in Recipes.

My primary strategy to get clean was to boost my health by replacing refined grains with veggies in my recipes. It is very easy to do and increases nutrients instantly! For example, have you tried finely chopped cauliflower to mimic rice? Or even use as a pizza crust? And how about spaghetti squash and Zucchini squash separate into long, thin strands to replace pasta? It’s all the rage for a reason…They taste delicious and ARE nutritious!

Make Water the Primary Beverage.

Water IS the healthiest and most natural beverage you can drink. It should be the main beverage that passes through you because it is the cleanest beverage you can drink. No additives or sweeteners make it the obvious choice. I have learned to carry my water bottle everywhere, right next to my cell phone. Hydration is essential and can also help me manage my weight by eating less as I drink more. My skin and hair love it when I stay hydrated too. Not to mention my digestion. Aim to drink a gallon of water daily for optimal health. You can do it and it is SO worth it!

Choose Food from Ethically Raised Animals.

It is just the right thing to do, period. Eating clean is a responsibility we share. Livestock are raised in crowded, unsanitary factory farms and pumped with hormones and antibiotics and fed grains rather than their natural diet of grass. What does this mean for the consumer? Those conditions make for poor health for animals and humans. The factory farms also generate massive waste for the environment as well. I can’t sign up for that operation. Doesn’t make sense for the environment or my health. What do you think?

The Bottom Line.

Clean eating is fresh, nutritious, and minimally processed. Once you practice eating less from a box, can, bag or bottle, you will appreciate foods’ natural flavors and begin eating whole foods daily. That is a major step toward Optimal YOU. I reap the benefits of clean eating in good health, more energy, better digestion, shinier hair, stronger nails, smoother skin and SO much more. Plus, eating clean gets me to maintain my healthy weight in a natural, sustainable way. It really is the top of my wellness list. Food is fuel. Food is medicine. Choose it wisely and you will enjoy a robust, long, happy, Optimal YOU!


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