Get More From Your Workout With Mental Preparation


Preparing to work out requires more than lacing up your sneakers and filling your water bottle. There’s a mental aspect too. You need to prepare your mind as much as your body. In many ways, it’s your attitude more than your muscles that determines whether you’ll make it to the gym and stick to a consistent schedule. If you want to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle, try these strategies for overcoming some of the most common mental barriers to exercise.

Building Confidence:

1. Take a first step

Getting started is often the most difficult part of working out. Once you manage to run your first mile, you’ll start building momentum to keep moving. To create a workout habit that you’ll be successful at, it needs to be easy, obvious and something you’ll enjoy.

Consider starting with a personal trainer. Your personal trainer will help keep you accountable and motivate you to stick to an optimal fitness plan that is customized to YOU. Working with a certified trainer takes the stress out of workout planning, and you can work together to structure workouts that are challenging, interesting and motivating for your mind and body. If you want to take that first step to your fitness game plan, click here.

2.Break things down

If looking at your entire fitness plan overwhelms you, divide it up into smaller chunks. Focusing on one exercise at a time creates small victories that add up over time.

If you want to split up your workouts, do your cardio and weight training exercises at different times. Leave a minimum of six hours in between workouts. To maximize your cardio sessions, include some intervals, bringing your heart rate up and down.

Trish the Trainer’s Tip:

In addition to your more strenuous workouts, aim to fit more movement throughout your day, too. Try to walk or ride a bike instead of taking the car; try to take the stairs instead of the elevator. The less time you spend sitting, the better! Progressively increase your daily steps until you take 10,000 steps or more each day. You can do it and have fun along the way!

✔ the more you move, the more energy you have and the more calories you burn

3. Set goals

Another way to feel more accomplished is to establish targets that will encourage you to focus your efforts and track your progress. Think about your destination and how to get there.

Set realistic fitness goals you’ll actually achieve by:

  • Focusing on one goal at a time

  • Make your goals measurable, specific and time-bound

  • Set the bar low at first…set yourself up for success!

  • Play the long game. Hang in there and ride the wave

  • Understand and be clear on what’s driving your goal

  • Be flexible in your definition of success

  • Develop micro goals on the way to your big goal

  • Plan for a strong support system

4. Be positive

Use your self-talk to challenge your doubts and remind yourself of your strengths. Believing that you can do something increases your chances of success, whether you’re trying to lose weight or lower your blood pressure.

Studies show that by thinking positively, you will not only feel better, but exercise harder for longer periods of time. When you cut out the negative self-talk, exercise will seem easier. Cyclists who repeated motivational phrases to themselves, such as, “I got this,” pedaled for an average of two minutes longer and reported easier effort than when compared to a baseline ride, according to a study published in the journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. In short, what you say can and will be used against you (or for you!) during your workouts.

Maintaining Motivation:

1. Remember your purpose

There are many reasons for working out, so figure out the benefits that are most compelling for you. Maybe you want to have more years to spend with your family or maybe you’re looking forward to being able to wear smaller sized jeans. Have clarity on this. It is what drives you to stick with your game plan and commit long-term.

Remember, you’ll feel awesome after you exercise. Immediately. Intensely. Unequivocally. Study after study confirms the direct relationship between exercise and an increase in feel-good hormones. Sign me up over and over again!

2. Seek inspiration

Surround yourself with individuals and objects that make you feel excited about working out. Tape a picture of an Olympic athlete to your refrigerator door.

Find other people who set goals similar to yours and have achieved them. Watch TED Talks, devour articles, and scour YouTube — all in hopes of finding a little perspective. It's incredibly motivating to see yourself reflected in someone else, someone who you find inspiring. Learning about their personal struggles and successes provides that sense of validation we seek as human beings. We want to know we aren't alone — we want to have proof that reaching our goals is possible. There is nothing more motivating than experiencing that "aha" moment when you realize, "If they can do it, so can I!"

3. Plan for setbacks

If you exercise long enough, there will probably come a time when other events interfere with your workout plans. Decide in advance how you’ll handle sick days or extensive business travel.

Overcoming your Setback

The first thing you must do is acknowledge the setback. Accept it for what it is and make peace with it — whether you got there by chance, an accident or your own doing — these things happen! Focus on what you will do next. 

  • Exercise discipline 

When motivation lacks, discipline needs to kick in. Fitness isn’t always easy, but you can make the choice to show up and do your best every day. Think of discipline like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

  • Speak up and get help 

Sometimes setbacks can be overwhelming and in these instances it’s best to speak up and get help. You might speak to someone within your support network or a medical professional. 

  • Don’t give up

If you take just one thing away from this blog, remember... never give up! We all face challenges and setbacks, but the truth is, you become a stronger person when you overcome a setback. Break it down and make it do-able. You truly do have the ability to overcome any obstacle and get back into your regular workout routine.

4. Reward yourself

Give yourself something to look forward to. Buy yourself a new outfit when you work your way up to doing 10 burpees without a break or maybe you prefer a reward that is something effortless…

The simple things really are the sweetest in life, so if you're on the hunt for the epitome of exercise rewards, how does a an hour or two that's unapologetically yours sound? Sweet, right?

If you're anything like me, there's a good chance you feel super energized after a workout and, as a result, are struck with the urge to do a million different things (housework, putting clothes away, rearranging your kitchen cabinets for the millionth time). As tempting as this may be, letting yourself unwind on the couch in your pajamas with a cup of green tea will prove to be more rewarding in the long run.

More Trainer Tips:

1. Play music

Listening to upbeat songs provides an instant boost. Even on days when you’re feeling sluggish, your favorite tunes can turn things around. Work out at a studio where you like the music selections or create your own playlist. Spotify is my favorite place to create my own personalized motivational playlists.

2. Socialize more

Team up with a workout buddy and discuss your progress on social media with others who are trying to shape up. Share encouragement and feedback. Enthusiasm spreads quickly. Try joining an active MeetUp group and meet with other fit friends that value a healthy lifestyle. You can enjoy fitness results and camaraderie at the same time!

3. Practice mindfulness

Living in the present moment enriches any activity. That’s especially true for physical exercise. Giving your full attention to each movement will help you to maintain proper alignment, so you accomplish more and reduce your risk of injuries. Keep your mind on your muscle and reap the rewards!

4. Make it a habit

Your body and mind will be primed to exercise if you make the decision to work out more automatic. Develop a regular routine so you head straight to the gym after work instead of trying to resist the temptation to go to happy hour or watch TV. It’s a choice and it’s all in the planning

5. Think broadly

Integrate exercise into the rest of your life. Healthy patterns reinforce each other. When you’re working out regularly, you’ll want to eat green vegetables and go to bed on time. It’s a snowball effect that has countless benefits that you won’t want to miss out on any longer…get started today or improve your current exercise plan by adding more variety.

6. Have fun

Remember to enjoy your workouts. Pick activities that you love, like playing volleyball or doing yoga. Whatever it is, you should run to it. Life is too short to hate your workouts so do things you love and you will make exercise an enjoyable part of your day that you actually look forward to. What fun activity to burn calories do you have planned for today…and tomorrow?

Train the smart way by engaging both your mind and body.

When you’re mentally prepared to work out, exercise becomes easier and more effective. You’ll reach your fitness goals and enjoy more energy and wellbeing. It’s really that simple. Point your arrow in the right direction and never stop moving toward your Optimal YOU lifestyle.


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