The Coolest Summer Workout
Summer workouts do not have to come to a screeching halt when the temperatures rise. Aquatic fitness is the coolest summer workout for summertime fitness! Many of my personal training programs can be modified to do in the water. Doing any type of resistance workout in the pool creates a safe and low impact environment that helps to protect joints and decrease the risk of sports injury. Try some of these aquatic workouts that are fun and safe for a change of pace:
aquatic running
For anyone who thinks they cannot run due to knee, ankle and foot discomforts, aquatic running has opened new doors for you! Running in the water displaces body weight so you are not having the same impact on your joints as you would when compared to running on concrete. The natural resistance of the water helps you work harder without injury. Aquatic running is also great for runners who are needing to train while recovering from injury or those who are prone to sports injury.
It’s literally as easy as it sounds…simply run back and forth in the pool with high knees to get the heart rate up. Want to amp up your cardio more? Try Aqua Fit Swim training gloves to your run to add upper body resistance. I recommend Yalox water shoes to have better traction on the bottom of the pool and optimum performance. For deep water runners that want no impact with the bottom of the pool, wear a water aerobics exercise belt to keep you afloat so you can focus on perfect running form!
aquatic weights
Yes, you can lift weights in the water with aquatic weights! These special weights are meant to be used in the pool and can help decrease muscle strain and risk of sports injury while you lift your way to a stronger new you.
Make sure you shop around for your aquatic weights. There are many different kinds that provide different resistances, so be sure to pick a set that fits your fitness level and then as you progress, you can trade up in resistance. My personal favorite water weights are Trademark Innovations Aquatic Exercise Dumbbells and AquaStrength Total Body Bundle for the serious athlete. These dumbbells really take advantage of the water’s natural resistance…nearly 800 times denser than air. You can’t help but get out of breath!
Plyometric exercises
Plyometric exercises, such as jumping, jumping jacks, jump squats, and star jumps, are actually fun to do in the water! The natural resistance from the water helps you engage additional muscles that work harder to stabilize the body, improving functional fitness and stability.
For example, depth jumps can be performed in the water by placing plyo-boxes in the pool at varying depths. Jump off the box, land soft, and jump up out of the water as high as you can. Or, simply hop on and off the shallow-end pool steps or bust out some water burpees from the lane line. Be creative with your jumping and you will build bone density to boot!
Here are just a few of my favorite Aqua Fitness moves above…give them a try. Love the results!
Isometric exercises
Leg pulses and arm raises are easier to do in the water due to the displacement of body weight in the water. Grab a kick board and pulse your legs for firmer and toner legs and glutes. Deeper water can be used for arm raises and arm circles. Toning your arms have never been easier! You can even place your arms on the step of the shallow end of the pool and do push ups, allowing the weightlessness of the water to help provide support for good form.
The sky is the limit with isometric exercises that can be done in the pool. These exercises cause you to work the muscle without causing movement in the surrounding joints. Performing such exercises can help build muscle endurance and spine mobility while giving the joints a rest.
Whether you are a seasoned athlete or new to aquatic fitness, jumping in the pool can help you work on your Optimal YOU fitness goals during the hot summer months.
Tone up, stay fit, be cool
With water aerobics and aquatic fitness, almost anyone, no matter their age or physical conditions can perform exercise that will benefit their Optimal Wellness Journey.
Bonus! You will burn more calories and manage a healthy weight! Meet you in the pool!