It’s All in the Planning


The more convenient it is to start exercising, the easier it’ll be to actually do it. Seems obvious, but how is your planning for a healthy lifestyle going? I am sure there are good days and bad. We are human and life happens, right? So, let’s have a plan to set us up for success in our daily lives.

Everyone has their own system that works for them and if it works…stick with it! It can be very individual, but let’s look at some simple ways anyone can do to dial in game plans that make sense :

Determine how you work out best.

In a gym? Outdoors? If it is in a gym, make sure that gym is near you so you can frequent it, no problem. The further away your gym, the less likely you will go often. And if your only option is to travel to your gym, start a carpool with your fit friends to make it happen. I prefer to work out outside, so, I live in a place that is surrounded by hiking trails and a beach 5 minutes from my house. I wake up to a trailhead out my back door and an ocean wonderland out my front door. Hiking, biking and swimming are activities that can be done 365 days a year. I KNOW me, so I moved to California specifically so my healthy lifestyle would be easy and accessible. The weather and location allow outdoor fitness with few restrictions. It’s a choice. Do you see the built-in convenience? How can you adapt to where you live? What if you want to move but it is not a choice? Try a TRX Suspension Trainer or a TRX Rip Trainer on a tree at the park or utilizing neighborhood open spaces. Build a fitness jungle gym in your backyard. Be creative so you will truly enjoy your surroundings and be inspired to exercise in some way every day!

Next, make sure you have everything you need for a successful workout in the queue the night before.

Think to your next day and formulate a plan. Maybe what works for you is putting your yoga mat out the night before so you see it first thing in the morning. Maybe on those crazy busy days, it is selecting your home workout on my JustCoach app or YouTube so you can squeeze in a workout anytime, anywhere. Maybe it is scheduling that fitness class early that is held next to your workplace so you can slip in after work. I like to have my workout bag packed with water bottle, workout clothes and tennis shoes, already in the trunk of my car so I don’t have to go home after work to get them, because I know if I do go home, chances are I may get tied up with household tasks and never make it to the beach! In other words, set yourself up for success each day! It’s all in the planning….

Don’t forget the power of a rockin’ playlist!

Sometimes it is as simple as having the right music to motivate! The best move I made was downloading the Spotify app and creating my own playlists instead of letting Pandora do it for me.

Now, I can throw in an 80’s favorite with some Top Ten Hits and maybe even a country tune to make me smile! Music motivates and inspires, for sure. There will be days that you are tired or just not feeling the exercise vibe, but turn on some tunes and BOOM!, you are in it to win it! What music motivates you to move? Take some time to plan your tunes.

Making exercise something you do everyday will help you be happier, healthier, stronger, more empowered and confident. Movement definitely should be a priority in your life. And let me just say one more time, exercise has to be something you ENJOY and you can definitely make that happen. All you need is a little planning, creativity, will, and experimentation…Plan for Movement. Plan for FUN. Plan for Success. Plan for an Optimal YOU. I cheer you on!


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