Commit to Your Workouts


We all have goals. And usually a big one is how fit we are. I think every year when I look over my goals, I push my fitness goals to the top of the list because I know my health is my first wealth. But, I still find myself wondering why my nutrition and workout routines seem to fall short by the end of the year. Well, here’s the answer: commitment.

As a personal trainer, I am the first to remind my clients and myself that we have to hustle for that muscle. Commit to our fit. Yes, the word that holds a marriage together and sums up what it’s like to train a new puppy. Commitment is the key to finding lasting strength and real fitness results. I tend to be impatient with myself. I put together a workout routine, expect results and get frustrated when I don’t see the scale move or definition in my arms with a tone booty in 2 weeks.

No matter what I do in life, success doesn’t come unless I work at it day in and day out for months. The same goes for my exercise and nutrition plans. I can have my favorite workout app and my meal plans all worked out for the week, but if I do not stick with it consistently, I will wind up wasting my time and a lot of frustrations along the way. Can you relate?

Here’s what time has taught me: If I miss my workout or go on vacation for a month (good for me!) it’s crucial to jump back into my normal training routine and deal with the soreness and lack of strength. My muscle has memory and it comes back. That soreness disappears after a few weeks. I made a commitment and that means, get back to it, even if I stumble.

Tips for your fitness Journey

Here are some tips I use to help commit to my fitness goals that can help you on your fit journey:

Prioritize your Exercise Schedule First

I fit all of my other commitments, like my social and work events, after I’ve found time for my workouts. If I have more time available to me, I plan a hike or schedule a fun class. I am also truthful to myself. I know I have more energy and interest in the mornings, so I plan my workouts in the early morning so it doesn’t get edged out by unexpected events later in the day. It is how I guarantee a workout gets done daily. You may not be a morning person. That’s OK. Maybe the lunch hour or evening time works better for your schedule and personality. All that matters is that you choose what works best for you and COMMIT to a time to make it happen on a regular basis. You will see and feel results!

Get Creative with When, Where, and How You Train

Travel and work happen. And they should—but shouldn’t get in the way of staying committed to our fitness journey. If I am staying in a hotel with a gym, I take advantage of it every time! If I don’t like the gym offered, I create my own bodyweight only workout in my room with a TRX and/or Rip Trainer or create a fun outdoor workout utilizing stairs, park benches for push ups and abs or go for a run or walk as I explore and enjoy cardio. There are great workout apps and videos online that keep me challenged as well. Your options are limitless and half the fun is creating a fun workout wherever you are!

Plan Ahead to Avoid Disappointment

There is nothing worse than making a commitment that gets squashed by the unexpected. So plan for the unexpected. Have a PLAN A, B, C and D, all the way to Z if needed. I have my workout bag packed the night before just in case my morning gets crazy. I have a spare pair of tennis shoes in the trunk of my car just in case I want to bust a move at my lunch hour or just go for a mindful stroll in the park to destress. I download easy bodyweight only exercises on my cell phone to use in an instant, just in case my mind goes blank at the gym. I even have a few favorite fitness motivation quotes handy to read when I feel less inspired to work hard. How about your fit friend on speed dial? I always have a few friends I know I can call in a pinch that will be down for some form of movement with me. We have options! When is the last time you set yourself up for success?

A Final Word….

The key to finding lasting results is performing your workouts regularly by committing to a time that works for YOU.

Aim for at least 2-3 times per week—without fail—and that is what will ultimately provide long term gains in fitness, strength, and overall health. Yes, that means EVEN on the days we feel like taking a pass, dig deep and treat your body like the temple it is! Your Optimal YOU thanks you!


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