Practice Positivity with Simple Habits


It’s normal to be struck by a bout of negativity at times. I fight to stay positive whenever I have to be at a computer for long hours. I am an active person and love the outdoor training part of my job and dread the business end of it all. Don’t we all have some things we have to do but wouldn’t choose to do if we didn’t have to? That can put us in the dark. Over the years, I have learned to jump right into a positive mindset that gets me through it all and puts gratitude at the forefront.

I am trained to NOT feel trapped by negative thoughts. Here are a few habits that took me from pessimistic sometimes to optimistic almost all the time. I recommend to NOT try to add all the habits at once but to choose one habit and to practice it for 30 days so it becomes your habit, before adding the next:

Ask Myself the Right Questions.

The questions in my head make all the difference in my mindset. A pessimist may ask, “Why did this happen to me?” or “Why do bad things happen to me all the time?” But an optimist asks questions that open up the mind to new viewpoints and possibilities. Here are my favorite questions to help me stay positive:

1. “What is one good thing about this situation?”

2. “What can I learn from this situation?”

3. “What is one step I can take today to start solving the situation?”

Create a Positive Environment to Live In.

Who I spend time with and the information I let in my mind, from news to music, have a huge effect on my attitude about myself and others and all things. Here is what I do to improve my environment:

1. Spend more time with positive people that support and love me. And less time or NO time with those that are negative and critical. Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with? My father always said, “If you hang out with trash, you will start smelling like trash.” Harsh but I see what he means…

2. Let in the information that supports you with new positive knowledge. Back away from self-esteem damaging media. If I get an email or post that is less than positive, I just hit delete and move along. I find so much joy in reading constructive blogs and positive books. Listening to inspirational music gives me clarity of mind. Listening to podcasts and audio books by optimistic people set the tone for my day. I invite you to start with what you listen to in your car. It is a choice with happy benefits!

Gratitude for What I Have.

Honestly, this is everything. If I want to forget my woes in an instant, all I have to do is start counting my blessings and name them one by one. Here are the questions I literally say out loud to get in my gratitude zone:

1. “What am I grateful for in my life today?”

2. “What are 3 things I can be grateful for about myself today?”

3. “Who are 3 people that I am grateful to have in my life and why?”

4. “Where are 3 places I have been that have positively impacted me?”

It only takes a few minutes a day with answering one of these questions to reap the benefits!

Make Time for Self-Care.

Being an optimist involves caring for myself---my physical self. When I am on point with my workouts and meditations, when I go to bed on time and sleep deeply, and when I eat healthy food that I have planned out for the day, I notice a huge effect on my mindset. The minute I mismanage my healthy lifestyle, what happens? Negative thoughts and self-talk creep in almost instantly. I shut down and take a hit to my self-esteem. Try not to neglect yourself and watch problems minimize! You matter!

Focus on Solutions.

Did you ever have a problem and do nothing about it? Procrastinate? Remember those right questions I ask myself? Well, they open up my mind to the possibilities of my situation at hand. If I have trouble getting started, I will ask myself,

“What is one small step I can do today to get the ball rolling?” Then I take that small step forward. However small this step is, it can have a big effect in my mood and thoughts. When learning new skills for work, I won’t overwhelm myself by looking at the big picture too much. Some days I am good just doing one task toward my final project. One step is one step forward. Even if it’s a tiny baby step.

Reduce My Worries.

When my children were little. I had the worry chip. It was powerful and destructive. It used to be one of my biggest obstacles to optimism and moving forward in my life. Two effective steps that have helped me and still do help me minimize being a worry wart to this day are:

1. Ask myself: “How many of my worries ever came to fruition?” If you are like me, you will find your answer is: very few. Most of what I fear will never happen. They are just monsters in my own mind. This question gives me a reality check in a hurry.

2. Focus on solutions and the actual action I can take. The worries grow stronger in a foggy mind and an inactive body. So, use what we learned earlier and move out of worries and into resolution. Less procrastinate. More activate…

Finally, Never Give Up.

I just want to end with a powerful thought that encouraged me when things looked bleak: It is always darkest before the dawn. This thought has helped me when my business was at a lull. This thought helped me through health and wealth scares. It just helps. Helps to put one foot in front of the other when things looked impossible. Whenever I have been at my lowest, I would look up and BOOM! the sun would come out. Probably because I was forced to adapt or pivot to my difficult situation and grow.

Seeing this thought live itself out has strengthened my belief in staying positive, in taking action and in keeping my arrow pointed forward no matter what…it’s a mindset. It’s a lifestyle. It’s an Optimal YOU move!


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