How To stay Motivated in Your Workouts


Workout buddies and group fitness classes make it easy to stay motivated. As a Personal Trainer, I see the benefits of group fitness to keep workout motivation high through social interaction. You feel accountable for showing up, you look forward to seeing your fit friends, and it would be a little awkward to lounge around when everyone else in the room is doing pushups.

Still, there will probably be times when your schedule or other events require you to exercise on your own. When spin class is cancelled, or you’re stuck at home, try these ideas to help you push yourself when you’re working out solo.

Things to Do During Your Solo Workout

  • Remember your purpose

    There are many powerful reasons for exercising. Maybe you want to drop a full size or have more energy. Perhaps you want to manage the symptoms of a chronic condition or strengthen your heart. What’s your big reason?

  • Pick a space

    Even the simplest home gym can serve as a visual cue that puts you in the mood to work out. On the other hand, you might prefer to head outside to a local park or your own backyard. Wherever you go, make sure you enjoy your space!

  • Play music

    Sit ups require less effort when you’re listening to your favorite songs. Put together a playlist of upbeat music that makes you want to move. You choose. Spotify is my favorite app for creating motivating playlists. You can even share your playlists with your fit friends on this app!

  • Fight boredom: Variety is key to avoid mental fatigue

    You’ll also be challenging your body in new ways. Take a new group fitness class. Try a new app. Buy a new piece of equipment (could be as simple as a jump rope!). Workout with a fit friend and take turns choosing the exercises. Play outside and pick a new trail to explore…the sky is the limit! Just don’ t be caught doing the same workout over and over…that is a recipe for injury and boredom!

  • Browse online

    If you’re looking for fresh ideas, search for exercise videos and courses on your computer (YouTube) or phone (JustCoach App). You can find any topic from CrossFit to ballet. There are so many choices, you will never have to do anything that you don’t like or that seems like a chore. The more you explore, the more you will want to try new things and find what you truly enjoy. And when you do, you will be surprised how many different ways you can experience real gains in your fitness goals, without burn out or boredom.

  • Start small

    Does an hour-long session sound overwhelming? Set incremental goals instead. Tell yourself you’ll try working out for 5 minutes. Chances are you’ll continue once you take the first step. Start with tiny fit habits and watch the progress mount over time. You will be inspired by the shape you see taking form and by how your clothes fit. And then, You’re HOOKED!

  • Play around. Make workouts fun

    Pick a variety of activities that you enjoy. Treat your sessions like a game where you compete with yourself to beat your last performance. Try using a fitness tracker or a FitBit to chart your progress and be inspired. As you see your numbers improve, you will be motivated to keep going on the fit track and you will WIN your game!

  • Enjoy me time

    It’s healthy to take some time for yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company and be comfortable in solitude. I can’t say enough about this one…alone time is essential. Take time for tranquility and never feel guilty about it. Your mind, body, spirit and future self will thank you.

Things to Do Before and After Your Solo Workout:

  • Plan ahead

    Design your full sequence in advance. That way, you’ll be less likely to give up in the middle of your session because you’re stumped for what to do next. It’s all in the planning. You won’t waste any time and you will be happy with the results.

  • Eat well: A balanced diet gives you energy

    Start the day with a hearty breakfast, such as an omelet with fresh vegetables or grilled fish and rice. Get most of your calories in at breakfast to fuel your day. Remember, food is fuel and your medicine!

  • Drink water and stay hydrated

    Hydration is SO important. In addition to sipping water while you work out, make it a habit to fill up throughout the day. At least 3 Liters a day. And always drink water before , during and after your workouts. Avoid getting thirsty by carrying your water bottle with you everywhere. It should be with you like your cellphone.

  • Rest up: include adequate time for rest and recovery

    Avoid burnout and injuries by taking days off or alternating between intense workouts and gentler activities like walking or Tai Chi. Alternating rest periods are key to seeing results and avoiding mental burnout.

  • Give yourself rewards

    You’ll have something to look forward to. Treat yourself to your favorite smoothie or an exotic piece of fruit after each session. Let new tennis shoes or an upgraded phone serve as an incentive to help you drop 10 pounds or run a faster mile. Why not treat yourself? You worked hard and you earned it. Enjoy the rewards that come with each milestone.

  • Track your progress

    Again, use electronic fitness devices or a simple journal to help you evaluate your performance. Each small victory can inspire you to keep striving. Record keeping is not only motivating, it is essential to guide your planning and chart your gains for future reference.

  • Post online

    Working out alone doesn’t mean you have to give up on social support. Share your workouts on Facebook or other platforms where you can chat with your fit-minded friends. Instigate challenges, post motivational fit quotes and workout moves that you love. Build your own tribe of fitness-minded friends to help inspire your workouts and mindset.

    You can encourage yourself to workout consistently even when no one is looking

    Plan ahead, have fun, and tap into your own sources of internal motivation. When you enjoy exercising alone, you’ll be more likely to stick with your program and enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.


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