Stay Calm and Do Pilates


We have all heard the standard list of benefits of a consistent Pilates regimen. Highlights include long lean muscles, better posture, a nice butt and – gosh, I hope so – a six-pack wall of abdominal muscles. However, there are numerous huge benefits that nobody really talks about. So aside from the aesthetics and the hype (albeit well-deserved and the truth), what other rewards can your Pilates workout give you?

Benefits of pilates

There are a lot of benefits of Pilates that may have been considered unsung a while ago but are getting attention now — mostly because of the proliferation of Pilates articles online. Things like better sleep or sex, and importantly the body/mind/spirit connection are examples. So I'm going to go with the fact that Pilates is a beneficial companion for life. Pilates is not like a sport or fitness method that has a peak and then you go downhill. How one practices — the level of challenge, the equipment, the venue — might change, but Pilates movement principles remain viable and supportive of good health throughout one’s life..

Pilates is a Mood-Booster

For me, an unsung benefit of Pilates is the remarkable mood-boosting that occurs from a workout. Each and every time, I experience a radical transformation in how I feel mentally, which to me is directly connected to that incredible feeling of space, ease and aliveness in the body after a Pilates session. To explore more, Pilates with Props connects your mind with your body and allows you to practice your mental strength as well as your physical strength.

Pilates has been known to assist in the treatment of depression and anxiety by offering an opportunity to socialize, changing the levels of chemicals in the brain (serotonin, cortisol and endorphins), providing a distraction from negative thoughts, releasing stress, enhancing mindfulness and helping to create a self-care routine. Sign me up!

Pilates is a built-in massage

One of my favorite aspects of practicing Pilates is the built-in massage. I can’t count the times I went into my practice wishing I went to a spa instead, but leaving just as rejuvenated as if I did – if not more. Because of the way we move the body in Pilates, it truly massages itself. As Joseph Pilates said: “the entire body is wrung-out like a wet towel.” What other workout will do that for you? You can’t beat the versatility of a Pilates workout. It’s one-stop shopping for strength, balance, flexibility and massage!

Pilates is a Lifestyle

When I started Pilates years ago, I didn’t realize that I would actually develop an entirely new way of life. Pilates is more than a workout, but a lifestyle of sorts. The actions for increased stability and mobility that you do in your workout go with you when you leave the studio…and become the actions of your life! It's always a beautiful surprise to see my clients when they realize that Pilates is more than a simple workout. It is always worth adding to your fitness schedule…

Pilates Promotes Digestive Health

Ok, I simply can't stop myself. My favorite unglamorous perk of practicing Pilates? Digestive Health. C'mon we all want it, but no one's slappin' it on the cover of Pilates Style magazine…

Pilates helps in improving digestion by stimulating and massaging the digestive tract in the stomach area. The twist movements, in particular, introduce physical stress to the muscles along the abdominal area in multiple directions, making it ideal for increasing intestinal contractions. Fluid movements make Pilates a tremendously effective aid in digestion. Give it a try!

Pilates Exercises to try and love

Pilates exercises can help you tone up, strengthen core muscles, and improve stability and flexibility. Pilates are low impact exercises that are great for all fitness levels and ages. Exercise ball core or stability ball training programs can be added to Pilates as well to add extra support and challenge. Wellness and fitness articles continue to grow in popularity for Pilates exercises for the ease of being able to do them anywhere and workout in the convenience of your own home. Here are five easy exercises that Pilates lovers and beginners can do to tone up and improve personal fitness:

  • The 100. The 100 is a popular core strengthening Pilates exercise that beginners can do anywhere. The exercise requires no equipment, although many find it comfortable to perform this exercise on a yoga mat for added comfort and support. Lying on your back, bend your knees to ninety degrees and keep your legs parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms out and do short and quick pulses up and down for 100 counts.

  • Leg Circles. This exercise is performed by lying on your back and lifting one leg at a time to move in small yet strong circles. The other leg can lay flat on the ground or can have a slight bend in the knee. You can also try leg circles with both legs utilizing the Pilates ring for another variation. Be sure the hips stay straight and in alignment when performing this exercise to minimize any straining.

  • The Bicycle. This exercise is great for building core strength and toning the abdominal region. This exercise is performed while lying on your back with your hands tucked behind your head for support. Twist at the core and bring your elbow in to your opposite knee and twist back to starting positing before switching to the other side.

  • The Plank Hold. Plank holds not only strengthen the core region, but also help to tone up your arms and shoulders as well. Plank exercises improve stability and overall fitness. If you are not able to do a full plank hold, you can modify the plank by holding the plank on your knees instead of your toes. Both ways improve functional fitness and core strength.

  • The Wall Roll. The wall roll is a perfect exercise for beginners that help to stretch out the back and hamstrings. This exercise is performed standing up against the wall. With your heels against the wall, lower your top half of your body down towards your toes. The exercise and movement should not cause strain. Only go as far down as you are comfortable going and build your personal fitness from there.

As you can see, there are a variety of Pilates exercises that you can use at home to tone up, strengthen, and build personal fitness. If you are new to Pilates, be sure to schedule a fitness consultation with Trish your Trainer so you can learn how to do each exercise safely. Enjoy putting another tool in your fitness toolbox! See you on the mat!


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