Just Do Gratitude


Since I started a gratitude practice, I’ve experienced increased levels of clarity, ease and flow in my life. Gratitude, for me, is cultivating a mindful appreciation for life and all it’s gifts. It gives me structure to focus on all that is good.

Even though gratitude seems like a concept that is simple, it often gets pushed to the side and becomes hard to carve out time and commitment to invest in the practice. Yet, research proves that those who practice gratitude have heightened levels of positive thinking and lower levels of negative thinking and depression. So why not push gratitude to the forefront?? No more lack of practice. Especially when it is as simple as asking, “What am I thankful for in this very moment?

The Purpose of Gratitude

The purpose of gratitude is to build a positive pattern of thought that transforms into big behavioral change. As I got serious about my practice and actually pinpointed time for it daily, I equipped myself with skills to actually design a brighter, lighter, and happier life. The more I practice gratitude, the more I strengthen my awareness of my thoughts and feelings. From that space, I create a clarity of mind to make better decisions and choices. I use the word PRACTICE because like all of my healthy lifestyle practices. from exercise to cooking clean, it takes time and consistent attention. Let me share how I carved time to practice:

A gratitude ritual helps uncover what you truly value. With just a few moments and a journal, I began to capture my consciousness, and discover insights I may never have taken the time to consider. Through the practice of gratitude coupled with compassion and acceptance, I started to foster positive thinking. And this is what attracted me to this practice in the first place. I could easily slide my practice into my morning and evening routine to start and end my day in the positive zone.

Starting a Daily gratitude ritual

I think of this daily ritual as a tool to become more in tune with my subconscious. My favorite routine is to journal right after a 5-10 minute meditation, early in the morning as the sun rises. I curl up with a blanket and a warm cup of lemon water. It is such a comforting ritual, that I look forward to it daily! As I write in my journal, I am mindful to be specific. Instead of jotting down “I’m grateful for my job,” I think, “What about my job do I love?” Is it the space? My coworkers? The tasks? My growth there? Really, what?? I allow myself to be vulnerable and deeply honest to drop deeper into awareness. This may be the only moment in my day that I connect so deeply and feel the highest level of compassion toward myself, people, things, and projects in my life…I don’t want to miss these moments. These moments are my life.

And, in this space, I may pinpoint struggles or stresses that need my attention and then, I can practice thinking about the bright sides to life despite such difficulties…

Tips for practicing gratitude

Here are the strategies I started with for practicing gratitude that you can try for yourself:

  • Get a new journal that you will dedicate to your gratitude practice. Start now to journal thoughts, ideas, impressions. Don’t hold back and start now (you don’t want to miss out on anything!).

  • Growth isn’t always so easy. There will be days that you just don’t feel like journaling. You will say you don’t have time, or how will that help? Push back on the push back…Don’t resist your practice and just keep going…

  • As you practice, whatever you do and whatever comes up, don’t judge yourself. Try not to inhibit your practice with “black and white” thinking. If you miss a day, no problem…try to structure your mornings or evenings to fit in your practice. Keep in alignment with your values and allow your practice to support you emotionally. It is such an amazing way to start the day and/or end the day.

Now, most importantly, Take ACTION. Don’t just read about gratitude and think that it sounds good. TRY IT. Then try it again tomorrow and the next day until it becomes your Optimal YOU ritual that creates more peace, love and joy in your personal life. Enjoy!


Do What You Love & Love What You Do