Key Benefits of HIIT With TRX Rip Trainer

TRX Rip Trainer

If you are looking for the most effective way to achieve your fitness goals, you need to try high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT workouts are a proven way to improve endurance, burn more fat faster and minimize training time, while still increasing strength and power. The benefits of high-intensity interval training are scientifically-proven and can help you take your training to the next level. As a personal trainer, it is my favorite workout for clients as well as myself and when you add tools from your toolbox, like a TRX Rip Trainer, you are maximizing the benefits of your workout.

High Intensity Interval Training promises the best workout in the shortest amount of time possible. Bonus! HIIT workouts involve performing exercises at maximum intensity for short durations followed by limited rest intervals. Each rep should be intense, rating at least an eight out of 10 on a perceived scale of exertion. If you aren't out of breath and unable to talk after a complete circuit, you are not working hard enough. Just sayin…

Why HIIT Needs to be in your routine

1. Burns Calories Efficiently

One of the main selling points of HIIT is that you can burn a lot of calories in a short time. With the modern lifestyle being super busy, cutting out time to exercise can be tough. HIIT workouts cater to the people who want an effective workout and don’t have a lot of time to spare…it is all about efficiency and getting proven results. Who doesn’t want to burn more calories in less time? The combination of active and rest periods maximizes your calorie burn and increases cardiorespiratory fitness in half the time . This is the body’s ability to supply oxygen-rich blood to your working muscles. Sign me up!

2. Build Endurance

Your V02 max is a measure of endurance. It calculates the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use and is also a big signifier of overall health. Several studies have come to the same conclusion. High-intensity interval training leads to significant improvements in VO2 max compared to other forms of exercise in a shorter time. That is why Personal Trainers use this proven method predominantly. You will notice a big difference in your cardio endurance right out of the box when you commit to this workout!

3. Boost Heart Health

The majority of people aren’t used to pushing themselves into the anaerobic zone; that feeling where it feels like you can’t breathe, can’t talk, and you might collapse on the floor. According to one study, extreme training can produce extreme results. After eight weeks of HIIT workouts, participants could cycle for twice as long as they could before the study started.

Studies on interval training report the most significant heart health benefits, and that’s a big deal. Less intense training programs with shorter intervals carried the least benefits. Improving your heart health has a ton of advantages and can reduce the risk of developing problems like heart disease.

4. Increase Metabolism and Higher Metabolic Rate After Exercise

Who doesn’t love to burn calories after exercising? One way HIIT helps you do this is by keeping your metabolic rate raised after you’ve finished your session. Numerous studies have shown that HIIT can keep your metabolic rate elevated for hours after exercise. Due to the sheer intensity of HIIT workout, your body can burn additional calories as you get on with your day. After all, Optimal YOU strives to be efficient in all things and burning calories is right up there!

5. Lose Fat Not Muscle

A significant reason why a lot of people choose to do HIIT over other forms of exercise is because of its fat-burning and muscle building effects. When you’re trying to lose weight, it can be challenging to lose fat without your muscles taking a cut as well. It appears that steady-state cardio encourages muscle loss, whereas HIIT and weight training preserve muscle while ensuring maximum weight loss. This is a no brainer asset to your workouts, for sure!

utilizing the TRX Rip trainer in your hiit workouts

Performing a TRX Rip Trainer HIIT circuit will "hit" every muscle in your body while targeting critical aspects of performance, including strength, balance, power, endurance and mental focus. Although intensity is important during HIIT training, attempt to progress to faster and more powerful movements, and never sacrifice control for intensity. Here are a few of my favorite TRX Rip Trainer HIIT moves from The TRX Training Center, where I trained and grew to LOVE this tool in my toolbox:


This exercise will load your core by activating your abdominals, hips, low back and scapular muscles. Developing these muscles will improve your posture, balance and power transfer and reduce the risk of back injury. Plus, performing this exercise at a high speed offers a tremendous metabolic challenge that will improve your overall endurance and increase fat burn. Score!

  • Stand sideways to the anchor point using an alternating grip

  • Draw circles with the end of the Rip Trainer, while squatting up and down

  • Perform for 30 seconds at high speed, rest for 15 seconds and proceed to the next exercise


The Rip Kayak develops your posterior chain (muscles in the back of your body) in an offset foot position to challenge your balance. This will increase pulling power in a balanced position, while still challenging your heart and lungs.

  • Stand in an offset stance facing the anchor point with an alternating grip, as if holding an oar

  • Pull the Rip Trainer back and return to start position in an arching path, as if rowing

  • Focus on pulling your shoulder blades back and follow the same path each rep

  • Don't let the cord hit the side of your leg

  • Perform for 30 seconds at high speed, rest for 15 seconds and proceed to the next exercise


This exercise is about speed, power and agility. It mimics an Olympic-style lift, but it adds a rotational component to challenge your core. It should be performed with max effort each rep while maintaining a wide, stable base and using perfect technique. Be prepared to be gassed after this exercise.

  • Stand with the anchor point to your side

  • Hold the Rip Trainer at your chest with an overhand grip

  • Jump 90 degrees away from anchor point and aggressively press the bar off your chest

  • Perform for 30 seconds at high speed, rest for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat the circuit on the opposite side

If you haven't purchased your TRX Rip Trainer for your home and outdoor gym yet, get it here.

In Summary

From improving cardiovascular fitness and burning fat to reducing heart rate and blood pressure, there are countless reasons to explore HIIT workouts with your Rip Trainer and your own body weight. The benefits of HIIT are undeniable, and by adding these types of workouts to your regular routine, you can reap the many rewards. High-intensity interval training provides a flexible and convenient way to see results and stay motivated in a shorter period of time. Get moving in the right direction!


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