16 Empowering Beliefs to Live By


Your experiences are shaped by your thinking. Even obstacles have a value when you can see it. You can develop convictions that will help you to feel happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation. Consider these empowering beliefs that you can start using today to transform your life through the power of positive thinking.

empowering beliefs to make you smile

1. I see my potential

You can achieve amazing results when you put your mind to it. Feel excited about reaching your true potential. I call it Optimal YOU. We all have limited time on our hands. Some live longer than others. But you and I both know that it’s not about how long you live, it’s about what you do with the time you’re alive.

It’s about leaving everything on the table and making sure you live up to your inner Optimal YOU drive. Look, when I talk about reaching your potential, I’m not talking about what other people or society thinks we should do with our lives.

When you chase empty goals and objects, you become restless. Instead, chase your own potential and forget about everything external. Become Optimal YOU. That’s the only honorable aim there is.

2. I count my blessings.

List each thing that you have to be grateful for. Remember to include the smaller items, like warm socks or tart cranberries. Expressing your appreciation reminds you of how rich you are.

Counting your blessings is important. It shows that you are grateful. Begin by writing in your Joy Journal, doing more random acts of kindness and smiling more. Your gratitude will show and you will grow!

3. I learn from mistakes.

You can make setbacks work for you by focusing on the lessons that they contain. Flubbing one job interview can teach you how to ace the next one.

Setbacks and disappointment can create self-doubt. We have all been there. Manage your internal thoughts so you stay focused on the future and what you can do next. Give yourself credit for doing important work and trying…

4. I find meaning in adversity.

Tough times can be the most rewarding phase of your life. Know that you can emerge from any challenge with greater wisdom and courage. Look back at the obstacles you’ve already overcome, and reassure yourself that you can handle what’s ahead. While we seldom have all the answers, the ability to make meaning or sense of adversity provides us with some degree of optimism and/or consideration of a future beyond the current status. When you respond positively to adversity, you can become resilient.

5. I embrace change.

Accept that life is a series of changes. Focus on the present moment, and prepare yourself to adapt to whatever circumstances come your way. In my life, I notice that change is so much harder on me when I resist or reject it. Accepting change makes dealing with change a lot easier. The more we deal with change, the more used to it we become, the easier it becomes to deal with it. Ask yourself, “What’s next?” That one question opens your mind to new possibilities and creative ideas. Think bigger…

6. I dream big.

Expand your wish list. Setting demanding but attainable goals gives you adventures to look forward to each day. Dreaming is to desire for something very new and essential for your life. I like to think of it like never letting go of your inner child. Children make dreaming look so easy! Your dreams ensure a high level of excitement so you will stay highly focused to accomplish your goals both in your personal and professional life. So you see, you should be serious about dreaming big and improve the quality of your life…aim for that Optimal Lifestyle.

7. I practice forgiveness.

Lighten your load by clearing away any resentment you’re holding onto from the past. Set reasonable boundaries while you respond with compassion when others disappoint you. Pardon yourself too. Make a commitment to yourself to feel better. Forgiveness is for YOU and no one else.

8. I give generously.

Sharing your blessings makes you more powerful and joyful. Volunteer in your community and speak kindly to each person you meet today. Buy coffee for your co-workers or give your friend some flowers, just because… These random acts of kindness are not hard to do, we just have to think to do them. What can you generously do today to bring joy and lighten the load of another?

Empowering Beliefs to Make You Strive

1. I take responsibility.

You are in charge of your life. Hold yourself accountable for the outcomes you create. Celebrate the fact that you have the power to determine your own future. If you are playing the character that blames their circumstances instead of taking personal accountability, then here’s a wake-up call…

You have the luxury of deciding who you want to be every single day you wake up. It’s the people who have mastered the art of living happily and peacefully that have cracked this code, the ones who wake up content and taking responsibility for their actions…

2. I apply effort.

Figure out your definition of success so you know what is worth working for. Give yourself credit when you’re making progress rather than comparing yourself to others. If you want to be successful in any walk of life, hard work is a necessity! What I have learned is that the thing about hard work is that, yes, it may be tough, but it is much better than the alternative. If you don’t put in the work, success is much harder to achieve.

In the end, it comes down to two things. Do you want to endure the pain of hard work? Or do you want to endure the pain of regret for not giving it your all when you had the chance?

3. I leverage my strengths.

You have your own individual strengths that you can draw on. Figure out what you’re good at and what you want to do. Let that knowledge guide your choices. Want to succeed at work, home, life? The deciding factor is really how quickly and effectively you can find your strengths, build them into valuable assets for your cause, and focus relentlessly on only doing activities that engage your strengths…and you know you have many!

4. I listen to feedback.

Ask for feedback so you can enhance your performance and show others that you respect their point of view. You grow faster when you gather solid input that you can translate into action. Feedback allows you to recognize change that can improve your focus and results. So don’t dread it, look for it and welcome it because feedback =change=GROWTH.

5. I ask for help.

Expand your capabilities. Find strength and broaden your horizons by building a sturdy support network. Carpool with other parents. Divide up household chores with your spouse and children. Do what it takes to find the support you need to be more efficient, happy and successful in all that you do. We are not designed to do life alone. Not in sickness and not in health. Not in bad times and not in good. Who is in your support system? Thank them for their support.

6. I connect with others.

Moral support counts too. Surround yourself with loving and encouraging family and friends. Participate actively in your faith community. Join a club with members who share your interest in solar power or badminton. Having a strong social network of family, friends, neighbors and/or coworkers improves your ability to cope with life’s stressors on your own. Your network doesn’t need to be large for you to benefit. Can you name your network?

7. I recognize opportunities.

Stay alert for promising openings. You may meet a new friend while you’re standing in line to buy your morning coffee. When you have the ability to recognize opportunity, you know how to identify promising changes unfolding around you, and you act to take advantage of them. Keep your eyes, mind and heart open…opportunity is around every corner.

8. I try new things.

Be open to experimentation. Go kayaking one weekend instead of playing your usual tennis game. Bake your own bread or knit a scarf. You may discover hidden talents. All too often we let the fear of the unknown or our own insecurities stop us. But pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is actually good for us. Trying new things not only helps us to vanquish those fears, but it also allows us to expand our minds and learn—both about new things and about ourselves.

Adopt Empowering Beliefs

An upbeat attitude increases your happiness and productivity. Question your old assumptions so you can replace them with a new sense of certainty about yourself and your future. Adopt empowering beliefs that build up your confidence and prepare you for greater success. Start today. You’ll be glad you did! Fill me in on your successes, I’d love to hear all about it!


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