The Secret to Burning More Calories in Your Workout


How would you like to burn more calories without spending more time at the gym? You don’t need any magic formula to break through a weight-loss plateau or slim down faster. A few simple changes can make your workouts more efficient. Being efficient is key to really seeing results.

Burning more calories is a matter of what kind of exercises you do and how you do them. Read these tips before your next workout and make every minute count…

Burning More Calories by Changing What You Do

1. Run it off

Running deserves its reputation for keeping you lean. The average adult burns almost 9 calories a minute at a moderate pace. Pumping your arms or carrying weight will raise those figures even more. All you need is a good pair of running shoes

Running offers plenty of great health benefits too, from keeping your ticker strong to boosting your mood and quality of sleep. So, run to the store, skip to the park…keep moving.

Not a runner? Take a walk. At a brisk walking pace, you would burn 100 to 300 calories in 30 minutes (depending on your weight) or 200 to 600 calories in an hour. Take the right steps towards your healthy weight and optimal lifestyle.

2. Take a dip

If you love the water, swimming torches more than 500 calories an hour. If you prefer to stay dry, rowing consumes almost 700. Water is where the calorie burn counts!

Swimming is an exercise for all ages and is easy and inexpensive to boot. What I love best, is that it helps you stay in shape and benefits your mental health as well. For some, swimming is a form of meditation that helps relieve stress and tension as they glide through the water.

By engaging several different muscle groups and the cardiovascular system, swimming can provide excellent exercise for many. Having an injury or conditions, such as arthritis, can make it difficult to do high-impact exercise. Because water gently supports your muscles, swimming is a great choice! Give it a try. It’s a great skill to have and may even be lifesaving.

Variety in your workouts is key

3. Jump rope

When you’re pressed for time, lose 10 calories a minute by jumping rope. The results will add up quickly. You’d have to run an 8-minute mile to work off more calories than you’d burn jumping rope!

It’s so easy to carry a jump rope. Have one in your car and put one in your suitcase when you travel. You can bust a serious calorie-burning move anytime and anywhere with your trusty jump rope.

Don’t forget, jumping rope is a full-body workout, so it most definitely burns calories in a short time. Rev up your metabolism and drop those last few pounds…

4. Strap on skates

Yes, I said skates. Skating requires about as much energy as running, but you may have so much fun you’ll forget you’re exercising. Many rinks provide lessons in case you’re a newcomer or want to brush up on the skating skills you learned as a kid. Rollerblading counts too for helping you to burn that stubborn belly fat.

This activity provides the same results as running or jogging, but is much less harmful to your joints! What’s the question? Strap on some skates or rollerblades and just have a ball burning calories!

5. Play sports

Lots of sports provide an intense workout. Basketball and singles tennis can burn over 700 calories an hour. For a gentler experience, how about volleyball or softball for about half those figures.

Let’s not forget the importance of team play for mental and social wellness. Sports are a great option for weight loss, boosting your cardiovascular conditioning and overall health. With so many sports to choose from, you won’t have a problem changing things up when you want more variety in your exercise.

Burning More Calories by Changing How You Exercise

1. Train in intervals

Many studies show that alternating between high-intensity exercise and low-intensity recovery periods can double the amount of calories you burn, and those effects continue for hours afterwards. Try jumping rope for two minutes and then walking in place for 3 minutes. The sky is the limit with variations on this one…

2. Mix it up

Your body quickly adapts to any workout program. Rotate your activities to create a greater challenge. Try a total body workout one day and then an upper body workout and a lower body workout later in the week to keep things interesting. To get the best results, you should change up parts of your workout every 3 to 4 weeks.

Variety in an exercise program allows the body to adapt to many demands, from high intensity exercise to slow, steady state exercise. Variety is important in a fitness program because it allows for your body to be challenged on a consistent basis and to overcome a plateau.

3. Stand tall

Do you sit down when you spot a free bench at the gym? Remaining on your feet requires more effort as your body works to balance itself.

Your body is designed to move. The more you move and the more body parts you move…the more calories you will burn. Be fully engaged when you workout. Make every minute count so you get the optimal fitness results you deserve.

4. Aim low

Spend more time targeting the bottom half of your body. That’s where the larger muscles are in your hips, glutes, and legs. Pick up the pace with squats, deadlifts and lunges. The more you do, the more you will see lean muscle gain and fat loss.

5. Keep moving

Shorten the time you spend resting in between exercises. If you’re lifting weights, try doing compound sets. That way your back can recover from pull-ups while your triceps are hard at work doing presses. It’s really that simple. Move from one exercise to the next and keep your mind in the game. Put your mind to your muscle and stay focused. Real results will follow.

6. Eat before and after

Your body will be able to exert more force when you give it the clean nourishment it needs. Enjoy a small meal high in protein and carbohydrates a few hours before working out, and a similar snack afterwards. Manage portion sizes so you’re not overeating. When you work out, you are a Ferrari that needs premium fuel. So, choose your food wisely because it IS your fuel.

7. Invite a friend

Workout buddies and group fitness classes make demanding workouts feel like playtime. Find a friendly coworker or “fit friend” who might want to join you for a run or hike after work. Sign up for acroyoga or pickleball lessons. The sky is the limit when choosing active adventures, so put some play dates on your calendar today and enjoy burning calories with good friends.

8. Go outdoors

Appreciating the beauty of nature is another way to take your mind off how many miles you’re running or how high a cliff you’re climbing. Research what your local parks and community centers have to offer.

Want to add strength training to your outdoor workout to burn even more calories while building lean muscle? Take your TRX Suspension Trainer  with you to the park and attach to a tree to amp up your interval training. Once you start playing outside, you will be hooked!

9. Listen to music

Inside and out, a lively soundtrack makes you want to move. Music helps you to coordinate your movements and overcome fatigue. Create your own playlists on Spotify and find extra energy to keep moving…

Keep in mind that safe weight loss requires changing the way you eat, as well as becoming more physically active. Combine a balanced diet low in calories with a fat-burning workout program, and you’ll see results sooner. Optimal You covers all bases.


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