6 Amazing Reasons to Spend Time Alone


Alone time. There was a time in my life when I hated it and felt lonely. Now I wish I had more alone time. Maybe once upon a time I might have felt that being alone meant I was antisocial or no one needed me. The evenings and weekends were the worst for feeling down when alone. Nowadays, I have found my alone time to be quite useful.

I learned to admit I was once insecure. I had to cope with my real feelings of loneliness and inadequacy but the everyday chaos of my life didn’t allow me to concentrate on myself and think through my true feelings. Then one day, I woke up and took care of myself. It was time to strategize a plan to be happy and purposeful consistently. When alone, nothing prevents me from listening to my still, small inner voice, heart and mind. It’s really about being more mindful. Have you gone to your quiet place lately?

Benefits of alone time

Here are a few real benefits I found from spending time in solitude:

  • It’s a great opportunity to renew, revive and recharge. As a woman and wellness coach, much of my day is spent helping people be happy and work through their feelings and challenges. This can be emotionally draining on me at times. Some clients have chronic illnesses or serious problems that are ongoing and because I care deeply, it takes a lot of energy and can make me sad and sometimes frustrated when I don’t have a magic wand to make things right. Time spent alone in nature is the break I take (almost daily) to pause from constant interaction with other people so I could recharge and revive my mind, body and spirit.

  • It’s MY time to think and reflect on the big and little things. Life moves so fast, doesn’t it? I don’t always feel like I get a chance to stop and reflect. Once I dialed in alone time, I was able to focus on myself. Thanks to my voluntary solitude, I finally have a chance to analyze life decisions and if I am moving in a “life-learning” growth direction. During these times, I take charge of my life, make changes and find time to meditate and relax.

  • It’s my chance to understand what REALLY makes me happy. When I spend time with other people, I often have to make compromises. There’s always that chance that what you want to accomplish may not be what the other had in mind. When alone, only YOU decide. Do I want to spend the whole day hiking or reading a book? Then, I will. Do I want to swim in the ocean? Why not? Maybe it’s time to plan a trip. New Zealand, here I come! Even if my friends don’t have the time or money to travel with me, I now know that I can do it on my own and still enjoy, learn and definitely grow!

  • It’s another way I can be more productive. It is definitely fun to spend time with family and friends, but it can also be distracting me from things that are important to me…like exercise, eating clean, hobbies, and unfinished work. Spending time alone gives me that good opportunity to make progress toward my personal goals and aspirations.

  • It’s another way for me to be more self-reliant. I think we all seek approval from friends, family and colleagues before we make big decisions. It’s part of being human. There are times when it’s necessary to do this, but there are also times when it’s possible to act without consulting others first. These are the times that I really think and do for myself and experience real growth and fulfillment. When I’m alone is when I learn how to decide for myself and weigh all the options. Each time I do, I become more self-reliant, which builds my self-esteem and independence. An Optimal YOU move, for sure!

  • It’s my time to value people who are close to me. When I make time for regular alone time, it becomes even more enjoyable to engage with others, because I gave myself time and space to miss them. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder...and more patient. Now I am never afraid of being alone. It helps me understand who I am, what I want, and what I can do to become the best I can be. Which in turn, ultimately benefits those around me as well. It’s all part of my Optimal YOU journey! Always remember that sometimes, ALONE is the best place to be!


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