Good Sleep Is Essential for Optimal You


Healthy sleep is essential for optimum energy, immunity, cognitive ability and physical strength. It also helps slow the aging process and reduces the risk of illness and disease…from a common cold to heart disease. As a wellness coach and personal trainer, I am very aware of the importance of sleep and the realization that most of my clients struggle with getting consistent good sleep. Cultivating healthy sleep is important; better sleep enables us to navigate stressful times better in the short-term, lowers our chance of developing sleep problems in the longer term, and gives the immune system a needed boost, not to mention the important boost to energy level and muscle repair needed for our exercise and daily physical activity. Knowing this, it is worth every effort to identify strategies that help with good sleep:

Keep a Consistent Routine.

It is always a good idea to get up at the same time every day of the week. A regular wake up time help’s to set your body’s natural clock (circadian rhythm). In the same way I have a routine for breakfast, lunch, dinner and workout, I found a schedule for my sleep. I made it a priority to make sleep as important as eating and exercising. Once I dialed in the right hour to go to bed and awake, my days became more productive as I had more clarity of mind and energy. How do you set the right bedtime? Simple. What time do you have to get up? Count backwards by 8 hours and there is your bedtime. Stick to it!

Get morning light.

On my quest for good sleep, I was determined to be consistent. First habit to dial in was to just GET UP, get out of bed, and get some good light. Light is the main controller of the natural body clock, and regular exposure to light in the morning helps to set my body’s clock each day. Natural sunlight is best…even cloudy days have more light intensity than indoor lighting. I choose to arise early, as the sun arises, to start my day right. Like my grandfather once taught me, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy and wise!” Words to live by…

Exercise during the day.

The more I move in a day, the deeper I sleep. I made a note of this early on in my wellness journey. Note to myself: Exercise in some way, daily. Fit it in. My exercise and better sleep reduces stress and improves my moods noticeably. Remember when you were a kid and played outside for hours? Didn’t you fall in bed and sleep like a rock? You can still do that…just plan to play outside more in the sunshine like a kid again, and count on more sleep!

Avoid long naps during the day.

If I ever lack sleep in the night, I try not to “make it up” in the daytime. It really doesn’t work like that. It messes with my body clock that I have worked so hard to balance. Daytime is time to be productive, active and alert. It’s all part of a healthy, Optimal You lifestyle. If I ever must take a nap, I keep it short…a 20- minute max power nap. Any more time than that and it leaves me groggy (the opposite effect I am looking for in a nap!) That won’t mess with my mojo.

Avoid caffeine late in the day.

Period. Caffeine is a stimulant that will keep you from your important steady sleep patterns. I have found for a life in balance, it is a good practice to not take in any substance that I could have to depend on for energy and function. I want my energy to come from good nutrition, exercise and sleep. That is GOOD HEALTH.

Prepare for bedtime by turning off cell phones, tablets and all electronic devices.

My brain won’t turn off if I don’t turn off my devices, including my TV. I took my TV out of my bedroom and plug my cell phone in another room at night so the dim light from it will not interfere with my body clock. Any light at bedtime delays the release of the hormone melatonin. Curl up with an inspiring book or listen to calming music to wind down and allow your mind and body to relax and rest.

Set a regular bedtime.

I am sure you have noticed, as I have, that there are certain times that your body sleeps better than others. I have what I call, “Monkey Mind”: a mind that has trouble shutting off. Again, a strategy is needed to shut off busy brain and go to sleep. I find it helpful to write in a journal in the evening and “data dump” any worries, concerns, and/or plans for the next day. It closes the door on the day I just finished and allows me to calm my mind for bedtime. I can also review this list in the morning and attend to any important concerns that need attention. It is an efficient way to deal with real life. I also let my husband know of my strategy so he can support helping me stick to my schedule and not sabotage me with a NetFlix series…you know what I mean. Always a good idea to enlist trustworthy support!

Reduce Stress.

Yes, I said it. Easier said than done, you say? Once again, strategize. The evening and bedtime hours are a good time to perform some relaxation techniques such as Tai Chi, slow breathing yoga, Legs Up a Wall technique, or basic fitness stretches. There are many resources available now for bedtime meditation. Try my favorite, the CALM app. Or try the latest and greatest Hatch Restore Sound Machine that helps you with your personal nightly routine….well worth the try!

Create a comfortable sleep environment.

My strategy for this is plain and simple. My bedroom is cool, dark and quiet. It is a proven fact that optimal slumber is achieved at a room temperature of 60-67 degrees, pitch dark (try darkening shades over your windows and turn OFF anything digital), and void of noise (try ear plugs). Everyone is different, so find what works best for you. Some like utilizing sound machines or apps (try the Relax Melodies app) to improve deep sleep that actually mask sounds that seem to consistently keep them up (like barking dogs or the neighbor’s noisy air conditioning unit, etc.) Explore possibilities…it is so worth it to get Good Sleep right!

Instead of tossing and turning all night, have a plan, a strategy, a mindset that will promote healthy deep sleep and bring your mind to ease at the end of a busy day. Every effort is worth the energy, stamina and peace that come from a good night’s sleep! It’s an Optimal YOU move! Sweet dreams!


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