Health and Wealthness: Retirement


Living Well in Retirement

There is a definite connection between health and wealth. You can have the best health, but without wealth, it is hard to enjoy an Optimal Lifestyle. You can have great wealth, but without your health, how will you fully enjoy it? As we age, our health and wealth become hot topics. It is possible to plan your retirement to accommodate total financial freedom. However, wealth alone does not determine how much you will enjoy retirement. As I mentioned, it’s a combination of health and wealth that will help you get the most out of your independence and freedom in retirement. So, let’s dive deep and look at strategies for wellness as we age. There are three main ways you can work to maintain or improve your overall wellness as you enjoy this time of financial independence.

Mental Wellness

The temptation to turn your brain off during retirement can be a big one. Keeping an active mind in retirement can help you to enjoy your retirement for longer. Optimal YOU is a life learner and a stagnant mind in retirement is not an option. Considering you’ve spent decades problem solving for 40+ hours a week, the idea of relaxing in front of the television or along a sandy shoreline can be extra appealing. But in order to stay mentally well and ward off cognitive decline, it’s important to incorporate activities that keep you sharp into daily retirement routine. Keeping an active mind in retirement can help you to enjoy your retirement for longer.

One way of keeping your mental health in check could be taking on a new job in retirement, even just as a part-time position. According to the American Psychological Association, a 2009 study revealed that those who were working in retirement had levels of well-being in both health and overall satisfaction that were on par with those who were younger and not yet retired. Beyond satisfaction, working in retirement has proved in some cases to effectively ward off cognitive decline and diseases. A study of nearly half a million retiree-aged participants showed that for every additional year worked, the risk of dementia was reduced by 3.2 percent. (1) Remember, volunteering and philanthropy can be your “job” too!

Other activities to help your mind stay sharp in retirement could include:

Social wellness

Isolation and loneliness are growing issues in Americans, especially in older adults. Leaving a job means leaving coworkers and a routine you see every day, and if you choose to move to a retirement destination, you may be leaving all other neighbors, community friends and even family behind. It’s a real problem.

Isolation can leave you feeling completely detached from your friends and family, both physically and psychologically. It’s something more than 8 million adults over the age of 50 experience, and prolonged isolation can have the same impact on your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. (2) Imagine that!

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to find social fulfillment in retirement, they just require some effort and initiative. These could include:

  • Volunteering

  • Taking or teaching classes

  • Pursue a hobby or passion that takes you outside of the home

  • Focusing on physical wellness

  • Focusing on continuing education like your Optimal YOU programming.

physical Wellness

You’ve heard the phrase “use it or lose it,” and this saying definitely rings true when it comes to maintaining your physical wellness in retirement. And just like your mental health, you may be tempted to enter a state of permanent relaxation in retirement. However, it’s important to take care of yourself physically. Doing so can help prevent both physical and cognitive decline, both of which can dramatically reduce your overall well-being. Some ways to stay physically well in retirement include:

  • Joining an exercise class

  • Garden and maintain your yard

  • Adopting a dog

  • Enjoying walks around your neighborhood

  • Creating (and sticking to) an exercise routine

With special focus on maintaining your overall wellness, your retirement may account for some of the greatest years of your life. And while you can work with a professional to ensure your financial well-being is cared for, it’s up to you to make sure the rest is following suit as you head toward retirement. Why not start NOW planning and implementing your Optimal Lifestyle!




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