Start Each Day with Something Healthy


I am deep into maintaining and growing my Wellness Lifestyle. It all started years ago after having 3 children and realizing I had let myself go and hid behind being a busy mom as my excuse to never finding time for self-care. Instead of being disappointed with my image in the mirror and my lack of energy and happiness, I decided to get healthy one good habit at a time. In fact, my daily life and routines today are almost unrecognizable compared to the days of my past. It is so inspiring to me how much small changes really DO add up over time. So much so, that I make my living now from sharing simple ideas that make BIG CHANGES. In this post, I want to share some of my favorite morning rituals that have helped build the foundation for my Optimal wellness Journey.

Wake Up Early

To be fair, this was not always my first choice. It started with children. You pretty much never sleep in again once children enter the scene.

I wanted to have breakfast with my family every morning, be a healthy example to my kids, and nourish them before school, and that took getting up early to get it all done. I found that my morning routine of cooking up something healthy (especially those whole grain pancakes with fruit on top!) was what I would look forward to and is what became my motivation to arise early. Soon, my family followed…they couldn’t help it because the fresh smells billowing up to their rooms woke them up gently and led them downstairs naturally. Win, Win! The whole family becomes early risers! And I am happy to report, as full-grown adults, we are ALL still early risers and loving a good breakfast…What do you think? Give it a try for a few days and see how it serves you!

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Now, let’s talk about that breakfast I wake up early for….that first meal of the day that gives my metabolism a jumpstart to burn calories all day, and gives me the energy and mental clarity to tackle whatever the day may bring. Research shows that those that eat breakfast are LESS likely to snack and overeat throughout the day which leads to less weight gain. Sign me up! There are many different healthy breakfasts that I enjoy (I start with the recipes on my Trish the Trainer JustCoach app!) Setting myself up for success, I plan ahead. For instance, the night before, I put out all the ingredients in the queue and pre-make anything that makes my life easier in the morning. I cut the lemon for my lemon water. I prep my overnight oats in a Mason Jar to be ready to eat first thing. I set out my vitamins for the day. I even set out the toaster for my almond butter toast. I have two planning days a week for shopping and chopping so my fridge has ingredients that won’t spoil and are ready for any breakfast creation I have planned. I am not only ready, but able to change things up last minute if I choose something different to fit my morning vibe.

Make My Bed

There’s just something about having a made bed that makes the day SO much better! I feel like I have accomplished something first thing in the morning and that one change makes my room look so neat and clutter free! I truly believe that this one ritual is the mental push that gets me organized in other areas throughout my day. It is my first task of the day, so if I ignore it, I may be prone to procrastinate. If I embrace this first task of the day, I am more motivated to start and finish other tasks throughout my day. So, turn around after you make your bed and be mindfully aware of that visual of a neatly made, beautiful bed. Take a moment to find gratitude for that bed and for the energy and focus it took to accomplish this simple ritual. I love to watch it make a subtle shift in my mindset that sets me up for success!

Move My Body

That’s right, I said it, MOVE that body! I am a personal trainer, so I like to toot this horn all day. Nothing wakes me up quite like getting my body moving! A little exercise in the morning helps not only to wake me right up, but to keep me energized for the entire day.

It’s definitely not necessary to always fit in a high intensity cardio workout first thing in the morning. In fact, I prefer something more mindful and relaxing like yoga or Pilates. It doesn’t even have to be a long workout, just something that gets your blood flowing. And on my extra busy days, this morning movement routine helps me get exercise out of the way early so it won’t be edged out by something unexpected later in your day. I love early workout because it sets an energized, happy, healthy mood for my day as well. My body was designed to move. It is at the top of my mind every morning. Like making my bed, exercise sets the tone for my behavior later in the day….

Exercise My Mind

I always make time in the morning to read something motivational or inspiring. I either read something for my personal development, poetry, or blogs that grab my interest first thing. I follow my heart when choosing because it is MY time. I love reading but don’t seem to have time to do it later in the day because I just can’t seem to justify sitting to do it without feeling like I should be up doing something else….in the morning I feel what I choose to read is my gift to myself to enlighten my mind and inspire myself to do great things. How can I better myself today? What mark will I leave on the world? How can I feed my mind and set myself up for success for the rest of the day? When I look at reading as food for my mind, I just can’t skip that meal, especially first thing in the morning! I also love the power of a good podcast. They are easy to listen to while getting ready, making breakfast or driving to work. Feed your mind. Follow your heart. Feast on the rewards.

Be in My Moment

Obviously, there are a million things I could add to my morning ritual list and I tend to change my rituals up from time to time for that reason. I like variety and want to try new things. I am sharing my most favorites that seem to always find their way to the top of my list. Many people meditate to start their day. I choose to call it simply being in MY MOMENT. That way I don’t feel like it has to be formal or long. There is no pressure that it has to be done any certain way. It allows me to stop overthinking and to just be still and find my calm for the day. I am able to observe my thoughts first thing without judgment and without giving them too much meaning. This practice of stillness and simple gratitude for each moment I can call my own, has helped me to become a lot less reactive and a lot more thoughtful and intentional. There are many apps to help you find your calm, but I highly recommend you try finding your calm all on your own first. You will be glad you did. It is all part of the journey!

Final Thoughts

I am honestly hooked on my morning rituals. I can’t believe I didn’t do them earlier in life since I see the total positive influence they have on my daily life now. I have nothing but excitement for the future because the sky is the limit in my growth and learning when I begin each day with purpose and meaningful rituals that feed my mind, body and soul. Begin Small. Think Big, And,…Expect the Best…the Best Life that is!


The Benefits of Lemon Water as your Morning Ritual


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